Those attending Wednesday's general audience, didn't expect the Pope to ask them a favor, but with about 50,000 out in the Square, that's exactly what he did.
Pope Francis:
“And now, I will ask all of you for an act of charity. Don't worry, it's not about money.”
The Pope explained that before the audience, he met with a one year old girl named Noemi, who is extremely ill. Reflecting on Christians' unity with the 'Communion of Saints' he asked everyone to pray for the little girl.
Pope Francis:
“Even though we might not know her, she is Baptized. She is one of us, she's a Christian. Let's express an act of love for her. First, in silence, let's ask the Lord to help her at this very moment. May He give her health. Let's take a moment of silence, then let's pray a Hail Mary.”
During his catechesis he explained that the Communion of Saints is based on the Sacraments. It's through them, he said, that Christians find God, help others and steer away from false idols.
That's precisely why he emphasized the importance of the Eucharist, Baptizing children early and the Sacrament of Confirmation. He especially highlighted Confession.
Pope Francis:
“It's important that when we feel like sinners, we embrace the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Some will say 'Oh father, but I'm scared that the priest will scold me.' No! The priest will not scold you. Do you know what you'll find through this Sacrament? You'll find Jesus. Jesus forgives you. It's Jesus who is waiting for you. This is what a Sacrament is all about and this allows the Church to grow.”
Reflecting on his prayer petition for the little ill girl named Noemi, the Pope said prayer should be sincere. Through prayer, one should join in on one's suffering on a spiritual level. The Pope also added that in the early days of Christianity, pagans were impressed by the love and mercy of believers.
(c) Rome Reports